10 winning social media tips for financial advisors

Being active on social media is no longer a choice. These days, all leading brands (yes, even, financial brands) are social, digital and inclusive. If you’re not on social media, you run the risk of being seen as out of touch…Or out of business!

Savvy use of social media can help you to keep existing customers and gain new ones. Here […]

5 things Dr Seuss can teach you about business and Covid

Children’s books aren’t usually the first place you’d turn for business advice, let alone tips for surviving a pandemic. But Dr Seuss is not your average children’s author. My children are all grown up now, but I’ve never forgotten how applicable his work was to the world of grown-ups. While paging through their old books, I came across five lessons […]

Voice search – The top 2019 digital marketing trend

Embrace the voice search revolution

The festivities are over; it’s back to the drawing board and time to plan and importantly stay ahead in the digital marketing game.   In this blog, we discuss one of the most significant changes taking place right now .. and the good news is … it’s super easy to factor into your brand’s current online presence. […]

How to get your posts to go viral

In this blog, we discuss employee advocacy programs which are an absolute must for companies using social media to promote their brands. Your employees are your brand ambassadors, and there’s no one better to promote your company and maximise the reach of company posts. Read on for the how…

What is employee advocacy?

Employee advocacy is the promotion of a business by […]

Mastering the art of financial storytelling

Stories make the world go around. Whether you’re marketing a leading financial brand to a national audience or merely trying to persuade a client that they need more offshore exposure, your task will be a whole lot easier if you can master the art of financial storytelling. Fortunately, it’s not rocket science. Read on for the how …

Contrary to what […]

2019-11-20T14:47:41+00:00June 19th, 2018|Financial Writing|122 Comments

3 ways to get your financial writing to work for you

Whether you’re sending out a newsletter, crafting a social media post or putting together an infographic, your content must add value to your clients’ lives. This means steering clear of spreadsheets and graphs in favour of clear, concise writing that’s packed with relevance to your clients’ lives. Read on for the one, two, three of successful financial writing…

Heartfelt narratives

Imagine you’re […]

2018-11-10T08:21:17+00:00April 18th, 2018|Financial Writing|3 Comments
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