10 winning website tips for financial advisers

We all know that having a slick and professional website is absolutely vital to building your business. But, to make a real impact with your online marketing, you need to view your website as a constant work in progress. 

Follow these ten foolproof tips to take your site to the next level…

1. Focus on building trust

As a financial advisor, you should […]

2024-09-17T14:28:49+00:00March 11th, 2024|Automated marketing, Financial marketing|4 Comments

10 winning social media tips for financial advisors

Being active on social media is no longer a choice. These days, all leading brands (yes, even, financial brands) are social, digital and inclusive. If you’re not on social media, you run the risk of being seen as out of touch…Or out of business!

Savvy use of social media can help you to keep existing customers and gain new ones. Here […]

Three reasons why you should Invest in a high-quality professional profile photograph

We all have phones with good cameras, so many of us question the need to pay for professional pictures for our online presence.

The hard truth

Professional profile photography should be at the top of our essential business expenses list.

Here are three reasons to invest in a high-quality professional profile photograph.

  1. First impressions last

The most significant reason you need a professional […]

2023-04-10T06:07:18+00:00April 10th, 2023|Financial marketing|0 Comments

FinCommunications Scoops Global Award For Innovation in Marketing

The Cape Town-based financial marketing agency was recently crowned ‘Best Specialist Financial Marketing Team in South Africa: 2022’ by the leading global business publication The Corporate Magazine.

The judges were particularly impressed by the way in which FinCommunications has embraced technology – most notably through their recent partnership with FinDotNews. “We’ve dreamed of launching an automated marketing solution for […]

2022-11-08T06:53:02+00:00November 8th, 2022|Financial marketing, Uncategorized|0 Comments

Need to know: POPIA and Direct Marketing

In the world of marketing, everyone’s talking about POPIA. Or, to give it its full name, the Protection of Personal Information Act. As you – hopefully – already know, on 1 July 2021 all South African businesses will have to be POPIA compliant.

POPIA has plenty of implications for marketers, specifically relating to how you manage and protect your customers’ data […]

2021-05-30T05:44:07+00:00May 30th, 2021|Financial marketing, POPIA|1 Comment

Don’t be shy – ask for an online review

The introverts reading this are already cringing! Yes, it’s hard to put yourself out there and ask your clients to rate your service, but there are very clear benefits to doing so – especially in our algorithm-driven world. Here’s how to make Google work for you.

 How do you find decent a decent building contractor to fix your kitchen roof, or […]

The increasing need to own your story and media

Tech companies are warring with media houses, opinion is masquerading as fact and fake news is becoming ever more pervasive. Against that backdrop, it’s more important than ever before to take control of your own narrative and media.

What happens when trust and relevance when income depends on clicks

Financial planning is a business of trust but […]

2022-08-19T08:12:21+00:00March 15th, 2021|Financial marketing|1 Comment

Turn off the hate and use social media for good

Ah, social media. Can’t live with it, can’t live without it. There are precious few industries where professionals can avoid social media altogether, but use it without moderation, and it feels as if you’re constantly on the edge of having a nervous breakdown.

Even our own circles can’t be trusted. If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that the people we thought […]

2022-08-24T05:12:35+00:00January 27th, 2021|Financial marketing|1 Comment

5 things Dr Seuss can teach you about business and Covid

Children’s books aren’t usually the first place you’d turn for business advice, let alone tips for surviving a pandemic. But Dr Seuss is not your average children’s author. My children are all grown up now, but I’ve never forgotten how applicable his work was to the world of grown-ups. While paging through their old books, I came across five lessons […]

Press release: FinCommunications is SA’s ‘Best Specialist Financial Marketing Team’

The Cape Town-based marketing agency was recently crowned ‘Best Specialist Financial Marketing Team 2020 – South Africa’ in the Worldwide Finance Awards 2020, hosted by Acquisition International. 

“It’s wonderful that our efforts to combine specialist financial knowledge with a contemporary communications style are paying off,” says Linda Graham CFP® who founded FinCommunications in 2017.

Graham, who has a background in both marketing […]

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