5 ways to leverage the power of neuroscience in your marketing

 A basic understanding of the latest developments in neuroscience can take your financial marketing results from mediocre to magnifico. Recent research which reveals how the human brain processes information and how we settle on a purchase is a game-changer. 

Over the course of millions of years, our brains have been programmed and reprogrammed with one goal in mind: survival. This […]

2024-07-29T06:46:08+00:00July 28th, 2024|Neuroscience and marketing|3 Comments

Loss Aversion and Lifestyle Creep – How Behaviour Influences Saving

“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

Don’t be biased towards short term loss

‘Loss aversion’, from an investment perspective, refers to our tendency to avoid losses over acquiring gains. For example, we all know that sinking feeling when the market isn’t performing – it’s so tempting to cash out and limit further losses. But that kind […]

2022-10-03T03:46:30+00:00October 3rd, 2022|Neuroscience and marketing|0 Comments

5 things Dr Seuss can teach you about business and Covid

Children’s books aren’t usually the first place you’d turn for business advice, let alone tips for surviving a pandemic. But Dr Seuss is not your average children’s author. My children are all grown up now, but I’ve never forgotten how applicable his work was to the world of grown-ups. While paging through their old books, I came across five lessons […]

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