We all know that having a slick and professional website is absolutely vital to building your business. But, to make a real impact with your online marketing, you need to view your website as a constant work in progress. 

Here’s our second foolproof tip to take your site to the next level…

 Make your blog page your homepage 

A well-maintained blog has two main benefits. One, it will boost your SEO and Google ranking. And two, having a spot to showcase your knowledge and expertise will make it easier for you to build trust (see above!).

I used to tell all advisors to include a blog when designing their sites. Now, I recommend taking things a few steps further and actually making your blog your homepage. There’s no better way of showing that you’re a real person with real clients who trust you implicitly. You can drive traffic to your site by sharing the links to your blogs on various social media platforms.

Ever wish that getting a standout website was as easy as ordering a birthday cake? Follow this link to have your website wish granted.